
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Luis Ronan Marquez Ferreira de;Rodrigues” ,找到相关结果约243206条。
Avalia??o por imagem das les?es císticas congênitas das vias biliares
Souza, Luis Ronan Marquez Ferreira de;Rodrigues, Flávio Batista;Tostes, Lucas Vieira;Barreto, Graziella Borges;Cardoso, Mateus Saldanha;
Radiologia Brasileira , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-39842012000200010
Abstract: based on the classification of congenital choledochal cysts, images of different cyst types were selected to compose a pictorial essay about this disease, which is not frequently observed in the medical practice, but is included in the differential diagnosis of most common lesions of the biliary tract. choledochal cysts present nonspecific symptoms and low prevalence. the correct diagnosis based on imaging findings is mandatory to avoid complications, and to aid in the approach and definite treatment.
Espessamento parietal da vesícula biliar no exame ultrassonográfico: como interpretar?
Barbosa, Aldo Benjamim Rodrigues;Souza, Luis Ronan Marquez Ferreira de;Pereira, Rogério Silva;D'Ippolito, Giuseppe;
Radiologia Brasileira , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-39842011000600010
Abstract: the present review was aimed at providing help for correct interpretation of gallbladder wall thickening and differential diagnosis at ultrasonography. gallbladder wall thickening is a frequent sonographic finding and has been subject of great interest for being considered as a hallmark feature of acute cholecystitis, despite the fact that such a finding is observed in a number of other medical conditions. an appropriate characterization and interpretation of this finding is of great importance, considering that the correct diagnosis has a direct impact on the treatment that in some cases includes surgery. in the present article, the authors describe a set of sonographic signs that, in association with clinical and laboratory findings can reduce the number of diagnostic hypotheses allowing a more accurate establishment of the cause for gallbladder wall thickening through a rational data evaluation.
Avalia??o da concordancia interobservador na análise da tomografia computadorizada sem contraste no diagnóstico da urolitíase em pacientes com cólica renal aguda
Souza, Luís Ronan Marquez Ferreira de;Faintuch, Salom?o;Bekhor, Daniel;Tiferes, Dario Ariel;Goldman, Suzan Menasce;Szejnfeld, Jacob;
Radiologia Brasileira , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-39842006000500008
Abstract: objective: to evaluate the interobserver agreement on non-contrast computed tomography interpretation by a group of experienced abdominal radiologists, for the study of urolithiasis in patients presenting acute flank pain. materials and methods: prospective study of 52 patients submitted to non-contrast enhanced helical computed tomography. the images were subsequently analyzed by three independent observers, with the interobserver agreement assessed by means of the kappa (k) statistical method. the following parameters were analyzed: a) presence, localization and measurement of ureteral calculi; b) intrarenal calyceal system dilatation; c) perirenal fat heterogeneity; d) ureteral dilatation; e) ureteral wall edema (halo sign). results: ureteral calculi were found in 40 of 52 patients (77%). the interobserver agreement was almost perfect as regards identification of ureteral calculi (k = 0.89) and ureteral dilatation (k = 0.87), substantial for calyceal system dilatation (k = 0.77), and moderate for perirenal fat heterogeneity (k = 0.55) and ureteral wall edema (k = 0.56). conclusion: non-contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography presents high reproducibility in the evaluation of urolithiasis and secondary signs of the calyceal system obstruction.
Comparison between ultrasound and noncontrast helical computed tomography for identification of acute ureterolithiasis in a teaching hospital setting
Souza, Luís Ronan Marquez Ferreira de;Goldman, Suzan Menasce;Faintuch, Salom?o;Faria, Juliano Ferreira;Bekhor, Daniel;Tiferes, Dario Ariel;Ortiz, Valdemar;Choyke, Peter;Szejnfeld, Jacob;
Sao Paulo Medical Journal , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-31802007000200007
Abstract: context and objective: recent studies have shown noncontrast computed tomography (nct) to be more effective than ultrasound (us) for imaging acute ureterolithiasis. however, to our knowledge, there are few studies directly comparing these techniques in an emergency teaching hospital setting. the objectives of this study were to compare the diagnostic accuracy of us and nct performed by senior radiology residents for diagnosing acute ureterolithiasis; and to assess interobserver agreement on tomography interpretations by residents and experienced abdominal radiologists. design and setting: prospective study of 52 consecutive patients, who underwent both us and nct within an interval of eight hours, at hospital s?o paulo. methods: us scans were performed by senior residents and read by experienced radiologists. nct scan images were read by senior residents, and subsequently by three abdominal radiologists. the interobserver variability was assessed using the kappa statistic. results: ureteral calculi were found in 40 out of 52 patients (77%). us presented sensitivity of 22% and specificity of 100%. when collecting system dilatation was associated, us demonstrated 73% sensitivity, 82% specificity. the interobserver agreement in nct analysis was very high with regard to identification of calculi, collecting system dilatation and stranding of perinephric fat. conclusions: us has limited value for identifying ureteral calculi in comparison with nct, even when collecting system dilatation is present. residents and abdominal radiologists demonstrated excellent agreement rates for ureteral calculi, identification of collecting system dilatation and stranding of perinephric fat on nct.
Aspectos ultra-sonográficos das altera??es n?o-neoplásicas do testículo
Vital, Ricardo Jorge;Mattos, Leandro Accardo de;Souza, Luís Ronan Marquez Ferreira de;Figueirêdo, Sizenildo da Silva;Szejnfeld, Jacob;
Radiologia Brasileira , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-39842007000100013
Abstract: pathological processes of the testis are very frequently found, and include non-tumoral and tumoral lesions. ultra-sonography performed with a high-frequency transducer has become the imaging modality of choice for examination of these organs. this method is of help to improve intratesticular lesions characterization, and in many instances the findings suggest a more specific diagnosis, especially in the presence of similar clinical manifestations such as pain, swelling and local increase in volume. color doppler is an invaluable tool for demonstrating anomalous patterns of testicular perfusion and aids in the diagnosis of acute clinical conditions. in the present iconographic essay, the authors summarize the most frequent clinical, pathological findings as well as the main diagnostic features of benign intratesticular lesions such as microlithiasis, simple cysts, spermatocele, varicocele, tubular ectasia of the rete testis, orchitis, hematomas and more rare conditions. familiarity with clinical and sonographic features is essential for the correct diagnosis and starting of the most effective therapy, as necessary.
Cellular Fibroma of the Ovary with Multiloculated Macroscopic Characteristics: Case Report
Sheila Jorge Adad,Valeria Lima Laterza,Carlos David Teixeira dos Santos,Antonio Alexandre Lisboa Ladeia,Joao Carlos Saldanha,Cleber Sergio da Silva,Luis Ronan Marquez Ferreira e Souza,Eddie Fernando Candido Murta
Case Reports in Medicine , 2012, DOI: 10.1155/2012/283948
Abstract: Ovarian fibroma is the commonest benign tumor of the ovarian stroma. The cellular subtype accounts for around 10% of ovarian fibromatous tumors. The cellular fibroma is a tumor of uncertain malignant potential that may recur or be associated with peritoneal implants. Usually these are solid tumors, sometimes with small areas of cystic degeneration. This case is reported to highlight an unusual feature for an ovarian fibroma: the tumor was predominantly cystic with a small solid part; the multiple cavities contents consisted of viscous liquid that solidified under room temperature. The multiloculated cysts, the mucinous contents, and the solid areas simulated a borderline mucinous ovarian tumor on both CT scan and gross pathologic examination.
Efeitos de restos culturais de milho sobre o crescimento de plantas de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.)
Santos, Cláudio Costa dos;Souza, Itamar Ferreira de;Alves, Luis Wagner Rodrigues;
Ciência e Agrotecnologia , 2003, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-70542003000500004
Abstract: the objective of this research was to verify the effect of three corn cultivars residues, on coffee plants, cv. rubi, under greenhouse conditions, at lavras agricultural university, lavras, minas gerais state, brazil. the treatments were zero, 2, 4 and 8 t ha-1 of corn residues (cv. ag1051, c333 and c435) either incorporated or on the top of 8 l pots filled with soil. leaf area, plant height and stem diameter of coffee plants were taken at 60, 120 and 180 days after planting (dap); at 170 dap chlorophyll content was determined and at 180 dap roots were harvested. incorporated corn residues promoted reduction on leaf area, plant height and stem diameter at 60 dap. the ag1051 cultivar corn residues showed strongest inhibitory effects on coffee plants when incorporated in soil, while c435 stimulated coffee growth when applied on top of the soil, except for chlorophyll content which was not altered when compared with no corn residues treatment.
Instabilité des versants dans la région au nord de Lisbonne. Essai de cartographie géomorphologique
António de Brum Ferreira,José Luis Zêzere,Maria Luisa Rodrigues
Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia , 1987,
Problemas da evolu o geomorfológica do Maci o Calcário Estremenho
António de Brum Ferreira,José Luis Zêzere,Maria Luisa Rodrigues
Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia , 1988,
Efeito de extratos organicos, associados ao surfactante tween 80, na germina??o e crescimento de plantulas de alface
Santos, Cláudio Costa dos;Oliveira, Denilson Ferreira de;Alves, Luis Wagner Rodrigues;Souza, Itamar Ferreira de;Furtado, Danilo Augusto S.;
Ciência e Agrotecnologia , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-70542004000200007
Abstract: this work aimed at identifying, through bioassay, the effect of organic extracts of pigweed (amaranthus retroflexus l.), signal grass (brachiaria plantaginea (link.) hitchc.), ageratum (ageratum conyzoides l.) and three corn cultivars (ag1051, c333 and c435) on lettuce (lactuca sativa l. cv. marisa ag216) germination and seedling. thus, the methanolic extracts of their straws were concentrated under vacuum and dissolved in 1% (v/v) aqueous surfactant tween 80. then, the resulting solutions were applied to filter papers contained in petri dishes, where lettuce was sowed. distilled water and 1% tween 80 were used as controls treatment. the corn cultivar extracts ag1051, pigweed and ageratum promoted reduction of the germination index in relation to the control with distilled water. the germination percentage was affected by ageratum extract (82.5% less than the control). all extracts and the surfactant tween 80 promoted inhibition lettuce seedling growth with reduction of root length between 9.53 and 14.83 mm and hypocotyls between 21.64 to 30.95 mm.

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